Showing posts with label $HMNU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label $HMNU. Show all posts

Human Unitec Intl (HMNU) Signs Agreement(s) for HMNU-MSK Kinesis Medical Units for Medical, Wellness, Sports, Pain Mgt and Veterinarian Sectors


Human Unitec International, Inc., (OTC:HMNU) announces three strategic marketing agreements for its HMNU-MSK Kinesis Medical Equipment. The delivery of 15 medical and wellness units to its exclusive agents in Italy in order to begin testing and deployment and  10 units assigned to Gruppo Ospedaliero Maugeri for sport and medical pain management treatment use and 5 units are assigned to Compagnia del Cavallo, equestrian organization of the Loro Piana Group, for the veterinarian use.

Market Stats

On Tuesday, HMNU stock was down 9.62% to $0.0047 with 7.27 million shares, compared to its average volume of 4.50 million shares. The stock moved within a range of $0.0045 – 0.0057 after opening trading at $0.0053.

Project finance, development and management company Human Unitec International Inc, which is mainly involved in the green energy, sustainability, medical and wellness spaces was in the news yesterday. The company came into the news cycle on Tuesday after it announced that it had three strategic marketing agreements in place for the HMNU-MSK Kinesis Medical Equipment.

It was a major new announcement from the company and it could well be a good idea for investors to consider taking a closer look into it. Human Unitec International announced yesterday that it had delivered its first shipment consisting of as many as 15 medical and wellness kits to its exclusive agents in Italy. The delivery was made for the purpose of the beginning of deployment and testing.

Out of the 15 units that have been shipped, 10 units are going to be assigned to GruppoOspedalieroMaugeri for medical and sports pain management purposes. The rest of the units are going to be assigned to the equestrian organization of the LoroPiana Group Compagnia del Cavallo. These units are going to be deployed for the purpose of veterinarian use. The staff at CompagniadelCavallo as well as its veterinary organisations are going to start treating horses with the units after they finish training at the company’s facilities located at Montreal in Canada.

As per two executives at the two Italian companies, the HMNU-MSK Kinesis Medical Equipment units are going to be in full operation by the time November 2022 comes along. It was a major new development for the company and it is going to be interesting to see if the stock comes into focus among investors over the course of the coming days or not. It may be a good time to add the stock to your watch lists at this point.

Traders Corner

HMNU stock is trading below the 20-Day and 50-Day Moving averages of $0.0053 and $0.0053 respectively. Moreover, the stock is trading below the 200-Day moving average of $0.0062.

Human Unitec Intl (HMNU) Signs Agreement(s) for HMNU-MSK Kinesis Medical Units for Medical, Wellness, Sports, Pain Mgt and Veterinarian Sectors - (