$SMME Secure Payments and ID Conference being held on June 19, 2019 in Madrid, Spain.

SmartMetric to Present the ADVANTIS SmartMetric Biometric Card at the Secure Payments and ID Conference in Madrid, Spain on June 19, 2019

  • Business Wire•May 29, 2019

SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) will be presenting its new biometric fingerprint activated credit card with the inbuilt ADVANTIS EMV Chip and banking operating system at the Secure Payments and ID Conference being held on June 19, 2019 in Madrid, Spain.

“We are excited to be presenting our amazing new biometric card in association with ADVANTIS in Madrid on June 19 at the Secure Payments and ID Conference which is being attended by the leading banks in Europe. This will give us the opportunity to unveil our new biometric credit card that has been especially developed with the ADVANTIS credit card chip and payments system that is being used by 100 banks around the world,” said today SmartMetric’s President & CEO, Chaya Hendrick.

Chaya Hendrick, as a guest speaker at the conference, will be giving a presentation titled “BIOMETRIC CARD PAYMENTS: THE FUTURE IS NOW” on June 19, 2019 at 1:30pm.

The conference will be attended by the leading banks in Europe along with the leading credit card manufacturers. The conference website is www.securepaymentsid.ifaes.com.

ADVANTIS is operating in 3 Continents in 40 Countries and its Chip and Operating system is being used on over 1.3 BILLION credit cards.

SMARTMETRIC is based in the USA with marketing and engineering in various parts of the World. SmartMetric has created a fingerprint scanner that fits inside a credit and debit card and is used to provide biometric protection for these cards. The card user simply touches a square sensor on the card's surface and in less than 0.25 seconds the card's internal fingerprint scanner reads the card user's fingerprint and if the fingerprint matches the card is immediately turned on.

With instant biometric validation and card activation means that the SmartMetric biometric card technology provides seamless use by the card customer. By the time the credit/debit card user reaches across to insert the card in a reader or ATM the card has been biometrically authenticated and turned on.

To view the SmartMetric Biometric Card please follow this link - Video of the SmartMetric Biometric Card. To view the company website: www.smartmetric.com.

SmartMetric, Inc. OTCQB:SMME CHART

Press Releases

Business Wire9 days ago

  • SmartMetric to Present the ADVANTIS SmartMetric Biometric Card at the Secure Payments and ID Conference in Madrid, Spain on June 19, 2019

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) will be presenting its new biometric fingerprint activated credit card with the inbuilt ADVANTIS EMV Chip and banking operating system at the Secure Payments and ID Conference being held on June 19, 2019 in Madrid, Spain. “We are excited to be presenting our amazing new biometric card in association with ADVANTIS in Madrid on June 19 at the Secure Payments and ID Conference which is being attended by the leading banks in Europe. This will give us the opportunity to unveil our new biometric credit card that has been especially developed with the ADVANTIS credit card chip and payments system that is being used by 100 banks around the world,” said today SmartMetric’s President & CEO, Chaya Hendrick.

  • Business Wire28 days ago

    SmartMetric Reports That It is Nearing Completion of the Integration of Advantis Chip and Operating System That is Used by over 100 Banks Worldwide into the SmartMetric Fingerprint Biometric Card Platform

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) is pleased to report that it is nearing completion of the integration of the Advantis chip and operating system into the SmartMetric biometric card platform. This will allow over 100 credit card issuing banks worldwide that are currently issuing credit cards with the Advantis chip and operating system to seamlessly offer the new ADVANTIS biometric card manufactured by SmartMetric, Inc. “We are very excited about the pending release of the ADVANTIS version of our biometric card and are looking forward to a close working relationship with the Advantis team in making this available to both existing and new Advantis bank customers in Europe, Latin America and the United States,” said today Chaya Hendrick, SmartMetric’s President and CEO.

  • Business Wirelast month

    SmartMetric Reports That Over 8.2 Billion Payments Chip Cards Have Been Distributed as of December 2018

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) as of December 2018 according to figures released by the chip card industry standards body, EMV Co, more that 8.2 Billion chip cards have been issued globally for use in the card payments industry. The United States was one of the last regions in the World to adopt the chip on the card technology but in less than four years it has now surpassed adoption rates of Asia Pacific and given the current adoption trajectory will approach the European adoption rates in the near future. Outside of Asia Pacific the United States will surpass Latin America and Europe in the total numbers of chip cards issued and in use for payments.

  • Business Wire2 months ago

    SmartMetric Welcomes Research Report Forecasting 579 Million Credit/Debit Cards Will Be Using Biometrics over the Next Four Years

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME), the developer and manufacturer of biometric credit cards, welcomes the statement by Goode Intelligence in a recent release that it identifies that across all payments channels, old or new, from ATMs, smartphones, biometric payment cards, connected cars, smart home devices and the latest wearable devices, biometrics is becoming the only solution to improve customer experience and to reduce payment fraud. Goode Intelligence, in a research report on Biometrics said: “Biometrics payment cards not only offer improved security by removing the PIN but also allow frictionless payments for higher value transactions (for debit cards).

  • Business Wire2 months ago

    SmartMetric is Now Manufacturing Its Biometric Credit Card with the Advantis Chip and Operating System

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) entered into a manufacturing agreement with ServiRed to incorporate the Advantis EMV Chip and Chip Card Operating System into the SmartMetric biometric fingerprint activated credit cards. Following the signing of the agreement with ServiRed, Redsys with the Advantis chip and operating system technology and business unit was acquired from ServiRed through company succession. ServiRed and Redsys with its now Advantis business unit, while being separate legal business entities, have many of the same shareholders.

  • Business Wire2 months ago

    Imagine a Credit Card That Reads Your Biometrics To Turn On, SmartMetric Has And Is Now Making Available To Card Issuing Banks This Incredible Advancement In Credit Card Security

    SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) – in the ongoing fight against credit card fraudsters and a desire to provide greater security for credit card users, SmartMetric has created an amazingly secure and safe credit card that uses the card holder's fingerprint biometrics to turn on the card. Simply touching the card's fingerprint sensor embedded in the surface of the card, in less than 0.25 seconds the card's internal fingerprint scanner reads the card user's fingerprint, matches with the user's pre-stored fingerprint and turns on the card.

  • Business Wire2 months ago

    SmartMetric Biometric Card Provides Safer Transactions While Conforming To New European Stronger Customer Authentication Banking Regulations

    SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) – The European Banking directive known as PSD2 aims to make payments safer, increase consumer protection, foster innovation and competition while ensuring a level playing field for all actors, including new ones which were not regulated by the first version of the Payment Services Directive. The PSD2 directive is mandatory on all European Banks mandating that Bank's customers must have Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) when amongst other things, they use their credit card for electronic transactions. According to the European Payments Council the principle of SCA is to ensure customer protection via an increased level of security of electronic payments.

  • Business Wire3 months ago

    SmartMetric Biometric Credit Card Received Significant Attention From Card Issuing Financial Institutions At The Credit Card Industry Payments Summit In Phoenix, Arizona

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) exhibited its latest biometric fingerprint activated credit card last week at the Payments Summit held in Phoenix, Arizona. SmartMetric's President & CEO spoke at the Payments Summit Conference on the subject of Biometric Cards in the credit card industry. SmartMetric recently signed an agreement for the production of its biometric credit card to include the Advantis EMV card chip along with the Advantis chip card operating system.

  • Business Wire3 months ago

    SmartMetric The Maker Of Biometric Credit Cards Says After A Card Fraud Event 63 Percent Of Consumers Use Their Credit Cards Less

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) says the alarming increase in fraud notifications has a significant impact on consumers trust in institutions issuing credit cards. This is born out in the how consumers' use of cards changes as a direct result following a card fraud incident. This shows a seriously heightened concern by credit card users while also revealing a serious business cost for Banks above and beyond the direct cost of fraud losses.

  • Business Wire3 months ago

    SmartMetric Brings Live Finger Detection To Its “In-The-Card” Fingerprint Scanner For The SmartMetric Biometric Credit/Debit Cards

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) – in a further step forward in harnessing the power of biometrics to protect Chip Credit and Debit Cards, SmartMetric has developed live finger detection into its in-the-card fingerprint scanner that is used to detect the card user's fingerprint and subsequently turning on the card. The card holder simply touches the card's surface mounted square sensor that sends a detailed image of the card holder's fingerprint to the card's internal processor. A comparison is made with the person's pre-stored fingerprint and if a 100% match occurs then the card's smart card chip and/or RFID transmission is turned on.

  • News
    Business Wire3 months ago

    SmartMetric Says Research Reveals Banks Suffer Substantial Card Usage Losses as a Direct Result of Card Fraud with 56% of Consumers Changing Card Usage after Experiencing a Card Fraud

    SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) – A more secure credit card not only provides peace of mind to the card using consumer but avoids the substantial financial impact to card issuing banks from losing card transaction business as a consequence of changing consumer behavior following a card fraud event. This shows a seriously heightened concern by credit card users while also revealing a serious business cost for Banks above and beyond the direct cost of fraud losses. "The ongoing direct losses due to card fraud along with the substantial hidden costs of lost business, highlights the benefit to card issuing Banks and consumers alike, from the adoption of a safer biometric based credit card," said today SmartMetric's President & CEO, Chaya Hendrick.

  • News
    Business Wire3 months ago

    SmartMetric Biometrics Inside the Card Leads in Biometric Security for Credit Cards

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME), the maker of miniature electronic fingerprint scanners that fit inside credit cards, ID cards and portable health records cards, says that fingerprint biometrics is the only biometric technology that is able to functionally work as a self-contained biometric solution for credit cards. Other forms of biometric security such as Voice, Face and Behavioral based biometrics are not suited for a solution that provides biometric security in a card format. The only way you can use other biometric security options is to have the biometric scanning technology on a separate device to the card.

  • News
    Business Wire4 months ago

    SmartMetric Will Be Speaking on Biometric Credit Cards at the Payments Summit in Phoenix, Arizona, March 14, 2019

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) has been invited to present a talk on “biometric credit cards” at this year's Payments Summit being held in Phoenix, Arizona between March 11 to 14, 2019 at the Phoenix Hyatt Regency Hotel. SmartMetric’s President and CEO Chaya Hendrick will be giving a talk on Biometric Credit Cards on Thursday 14th at 9:00am to 10:15am. The presentation is titled the Future of Payments Cards, EMV Biometric Smart Cards.

  • News
    Business Wire4 months ago

    SmartMetric Announces Agreement With ServiRed to Manufacture the SmartMetric Biometric Credit/Debit Cards With the Advantis EMV Chip and Credit Card Operating System

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement and license to manufacture the SmartMetric biometric credit card with the Advantis credit and debit card EMV chip technology. SmartMetric was founded in 2002 and has since been working on the creation of a biometric fingerprint reader to fit inside a credit card and other cards the size and thickness of a credit card. It has now successfully created a very thin circuit board that has over 200 passive and active components including a battery power management system along with a rechargeable very thin battery and a ARM Cortex processor for powering a sub 1 second fingerprint scan and match.

  • News
    Business Wire4 months ago

    SmartMetric Reports Worldwide Payment Card Fraud Losses Reach a Staggering $24.26 Billion While the USA Accounts for 38.6% of Global Card Fraud Losses

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME), the developer and manufacturer of advanced biometric credit/debit and security cards, reports that based on research published this month by the Nilson Report, a staggering $24.26 Billion was lost in the past 12 months due to payment card fraud worldwide. The United States still leads the world as the most credit card fraud prone country with 38.6% reported card fraud losses last year. According to reported research, the global card fraud losses will grow by almost $10 Billion over the next 3 years.

  • News
    Business Wire5 months ago

    SmartMetric Says Latest Research Report Claims Over 500 Million Chip Cards To Be Issued Globally Over The Next Five Years

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME), the developer and manufacturer of advanced biometric credit/debit and security cards, says the latest research on the size of the biometric card market for credit and debit cards confirms the significant size of this specialty card market based on the biometric in-the-card technology developed by SmartMetric. The SmartMetric biometric credit/debit and security card uses a miniature fingerprint scanner inside the card that is used to identify and validate the card user and then activate the card based on a match of the card holders' fingerprint biometrics. It has taken SmartMetric over a decade of research and development to miniaturize a fully functional fingerprint scanner that is less than a quarter the thickness of a standard credit card.

  • News
    Business Wire7 months ago

    SmartMetric Introduces Live Finger Detection For It’s “In The Card” Fingerprint Reader For The SmartMetric Line Of Biometric Credit/Debit and Security Cards

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) – in a further step forward in harnessing the power of biometrics to protect Chip Credit Cards, security cards and the SmartMetric card that stores your complete medical files on your health insurance membership card, the company has introduced live finger detection into its in side the card fingerprint scanner that is used to detect the legitimacy of the card user. The card holder simply touches the card's surface mounted square sensor that sends a detailed image of the card holder's fingerprint to the card's internal processor. A comparison is made with the person's pre-stored fingerprint and if a 100% match occurs then the card's smart card chip and/or RFID transmission is turned on.

  • News
    Business Wire7 months ago

    SmartMetric Says an Alarming Number of at Least 60 Million Credit/Debit Cards Compromised in the USA Last Year

    In the ongoing battle against credit card fraud SmartMetric a USA based company, has created biometric credit card that is turned on by the card holders’ fingerprint. “Using the power of biometrics, we have created a much higher level of security to the common credit card,” said SmartMetric’s President & CEO, Chaya Hendrick. The SmartMetric biometric card is as thin as a standard credit card with a fully functional fingerprint scanner built inside the card along with a rechargeable battery that allows the card to be used on all card readers including ATM’s.

  • News
    Business Wire7 months ago

    SmartMetric Finalizing Enterprise Systems Software Integration For Its Biometric Secure Access and Credit/Debit Cards

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) is pleased to announce that it will be providing a bank-end software security management system with its MIFARE® RFID biometric enabled doorway entry and cyber security cards. SmartMetric® has created the world’s first multi-functional biometric security card that is used to open doorways with a wireless RFID reader as well as the same card used to log onto company computer networks. SmartMetric intends to have a zero per card license fee and will only charge a onetime fee for its advanced biometric card solution that will include the card access system.

  • News
    Business Wire7 months ago

    SmartMetric, Who Manufactures Biometric Cards, Reports 579 Million Biometric Credit and Debit Cards Projected In Use Globally Within Next 5 Years

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME), who has developed and manufactures the leading biometric credit/debit card, welcomes the independent research saying that the market for biometric credit and debit cards will reach close to 579 million issued cards around the world within the next 5 years. “We welcome this research report as it clearly shows the enormous size of the market for our biometric credit/debit card. Based on our own research that shows up to 70% of existing credit card users are prepared to pay for a premium biometric secured credit card it is possible that this projection of half a billion cards being biometric cards is in fact an underestimation,” according to SmartMetric’s President and CEO, Chaya Hendrick.

  • News
    Business Wire7 months ago

    SmartMetric Welcomes Latest Research Report That Forecasts 579 Million Biometric Payment Cards In Use By 2023

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) - Research firm Goode Intelligence * predicts that there will be over 2.6 billion biometric payment users by 2023. One particular area of card payments that will benefit the most from biometric authentication on the card, is contactless payment cards. Because contactless payments are inherently less secure than contact cards that are physically inserted in card readers, contactless cards have very low transaction ceiling limitations.

  • News
    Business Wire8 months ago

    SmartMetric Says Projected Card Fraud Losses of $10 Billion in the USA Could Actually Cost Retailers $29 Billion in Actual Total Card Fraud Costs by 2020

    SmartMetric, Inc. (SMME) – A 2016 iovation/Aite Group study on EMV’s projected impact on financial fraud reports that credit card fraud losses may climb to as much as $10 billion in the United States alone by 2020. This is an incredible unseen tax on the public as these fraud costs are invariably passed on to the consumer through higher retail prices to cover these card fraud losses said SmartMetric’s President & CEO, Chaya Hendrick, today. SmartMetric has developed a credit card that uses the card holder’s fingerprint to activate the credit or debit card prior to it being inserted into a retailers credit card reader or ATM.

  • News
    Business Wire8 months ago

    SmartMetric Receiving Enthusiastic Response To Its Biometric Card For Banking, Security & Health Care

    SmartMetric, Inc. (OTCQB: SMME) – SmartMetric is excited about the response from its Dealers and Distributors for the SmartMetric biometric card now being presented to end user customers in North America, South America and various parts of Europe. The original SmartMetric card was developed as a fingerprint secured and activated credit card. Using a built in fingerprint scanner with a sensor on the cards surface a card user simply touches the cards surface and an instant match is made with their pre-stored fingerprint and the card is turned on.